Breast implants may increase risk of rare breast cancer
The FDA recently released a warning concerning a possible link between breast augmentation and a rare form of breast cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ACL), according to
It is estimated that between five and ten million women worldwide have breast implants, and there have been sixty cases in which women who underwent the surgery have reported developing ACL. Silicone implants are not the suspected culprit, and doctors and researchers are puzzled in their search to find a connection between implants and the uncommon disease.
"Although very rare, the FDA believes women with breast implants may have a small increased risk of developing ACL," William Maisel, the FDA's highest ranking scientist, told the news source.
While women with breast implants should not panic or take any special precautions, they should consult their doctors if they feel any swelling or pain around the implant. The FDA has also asked for the help of physicians to report any cases of ACL so that they can study and treat the disease effectively.
According to the, excluding skin cancer, breast cancer is the most common form of the disease among women.
This has been taken from: www.Breast Cancer
Kayla Wharton - Mrs. North Texas International